The laboratory of Sofiyska Voda received accreditation for testing legionella and somatic coliphages in water

The laboratory of Sofiyska Voda received accreditation for testing legionella and somatic coliphages in water


The Laboratory Testing Complex (LTC) of Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, already carries out under accreditation testing and analyses of somatic coliphages and legionella in water for drinking and domestic purposes. These are disease-causing bacteria, which, in addition to being dangerous to health, are also an indicator of water pollution. The two types of bacteria are included in the latest update of the European Drinking Water Directive from 12/2020, but are not yet mandatory for testing according to Bulgarian legislation. Nevertheless, LTC has already added them to its scope of accreditation, and the latter has been reconfirmed for the next four years.
In addition to these bacteria, Sofiyska Voda is accredited for analyzing salmonella in sludge, biowaste and soils by real-time PCR. The laboratory has the necessary equipment, but also a developed methodology for PCR tests, including for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 in wastewater. Additional chemical analyses are also included in the extended scope of accreditation.
On August 16, LTC entered its next, fourth 4-year accreditation phase after an assessment conducted by EA “Bulgaria Accreditation Service” and the received new certificate and accreditation order until 2026. 
The laboratory of Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, was accredited for the first time in 2010. Accreditation is a guarantee of competence, resource security and the possibility to report valid and metrologically traceable results. In 2021 alone, the accredited laboratory of Sofiyska Voda took over 9,000 samples from the entire drinking water route to the end customer, performing over 150,000 analyses to them.

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